The fall open enrollment period for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans is now underway, and this year marks two milestones demonstrating the ongoing integration between MA and senior living. With the start of the enrollment period on Oct. 15, a group of senior living providers known as the Perennial Consortium began to enroll the first beneficiaries […]
As more senior housing and care providers get in the Medicare Advantage (MA) game, it is becoming increasingly clear that they are playing a team sport. A striking example comes from Minnesota’s Twin Cities, where 10 different providers have come together with a health insurer and a geriatric medical practice/care management organization to launch one […]
Ten senior housing and care providers in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota will be offering a new Medicare Advantage special needs plan to their residents next year. The plan is a collaboration between the 10 senior living companies, Minneapolis-based nonprofit health plan Medica and integrated care provider Genevive. The senior living providers together have […]