Senior Living Nonprofits Tabitha, Eventide Agree to Affiliate 

Senior living nonprofits Tabitha and Eventide Senior Living Communities have agreed to affiliate in early October. Moorehead, Minnesota-based Eventide is slated to operate as the parent company while both organizations combine to share resources, according to a press release. Affiliation talks have been underway for the past six months and will allow both entities to […]

State Funding Cuts Putting Minn. Nursing Homes in “Desperate” Situations

Skilled nursing facility operators in Minnesota are finding themselves between a rock and a hard place as they deal with Medicare reimbursement cuts along with constricted state Medicaid budgets that are expected to grow even tighter. “At this point, I would classify our situation as fairly desperate,” Jon Riewer, CEO and president of Moorhead, Minn.-based […]

In the Pipeline: Senior Housing Construction Projects (3/13/13)

Construction: Planned New Skilled Nursing Facility Planned for Fargo Eventide Senior Living Communities will break ground early this summer on a skilled nursing facility in Fargo, North Dakota, reports the local WDAY TV. The facility will provide 90 private resident rooms for both long-term and short-term transitional care, and will be located at 32nd Avenue and […]