How Maplewood, Vitality Are Evolving for a New Era of Senior Living Tech

Around 2017, a cardiothoracic surgery nurse at New York Presbyterian Hospital in New York City noticed that an inordinate number of patients who underwent surgery experienced a notably high number of adverse health outcomes. The reasons behind these outcomes were initially unclear, and they would be potentially hard to glean unless someone was monitoring that […]

Transform Podcast #28: Lori Alford of Avanti Senior Living

Avanti COO Lori Alford strove to be an unflappable leader when Covid-19 first struck. But her approach changed as the pandemic taught her valuable leadership lessons. By embracing transparency and authenticity Alford was able to bolster the culture during a tough time for the provider, based in The Woodlands, Texas. Avanti is now seeing its […]

Avanti COO: Covid-19 Taught Me To Be a More Authentic Leader

When crisis comes, it can be tempting for leaders to play the role of an all-knowing, unflappable battlefield general. But a little humility and transparency can go a long way, too. Just ask Lori Alford, COO of Avanti Senior Living. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit The Woodlands, Texas-based senior living provider, her first instinct was […]

Covid-19 Tests Senior Living Providers’ Creativity In Resident Engagement

Many senior living activities programs ground to a halt when the Covid-19 pandemic forced residents to self-isolate in their rooms starting in March. But in the time since, providers across the country have come up with a range of ways to keep residents entertained and engaged — an effort that becomes increasingly important as the […]