Choose Home Care Act Presents Senior Living Opportunities, Draws Skilled Nursing Backlash

A bill introduced last month in the United States Senate would allow in-home care alternatives to skilled nursing facilities and poses substantial ramifications for private-pay senior living providers. Sponsored by Sens. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) and Todd Young (R-Ind.), the Choose Home Care Act of 2021 would allow certain Medicare beneficiaries to receive extended Medicare services […]

Lifesprk CEO: Innovations Underway to Bring Tealwood Portfolio Into New Care, Payment Models

Announced earlier this year, the acquisition of Tealwood Senior Living by Lifesprk was an industry milestone. Based in the Twin Cities metro area, Lifesprk specializes in providing value-based care largely through home- and community-based services. The company intends to bring more coordinated, integrated services to senior living residents by leveraging a mix of services and […]

Medicaid Could Help Unlock Middle-Market Senior Living — But Policies, MCOs May Not Favor Providers

With their eyes on the huge cohort of lower- and middle-income baby boomers, senior living providers are looking to the Medicaid program as one potential avenue for growth. Large providers such as ALG Senior and Gardant have carved out niches in the Medicaid space, but recent Medicaid policy changes paint a decidedly mixed picture about […]

SHN+ Report: The Medicare Advantage Opportunity for Senior Housing

July 2018 Key Takeaways Medicare Advantage enrollment is rising rapidly, opening the market for new plans and new approaches. Coordinated care is becoming more valuable to payers, which are increasingly rewarding care settings for quality rather than quantity. Recent regulatory changes are beginning to allow for Medicare Advantage to cover personal care services and home-based […]

‘Devastating’ Medicare Cuts Threaten Access to Therapy in Senior Living

Therapy providers are facing a sharp cut to their Medicare reimbursements in 2021, which threatens access to care for older adults and potentially complicates senior living operations. And this comes at a time when residents’ needs are particularly pressing, and providers are under intense pressure related to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The Medicare reductions will […]

28% Growth in Medicare Advantage Plans Led By Senior Housing and Care Providers

An increasing number of senior living and care providers are launching Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, pursuing potential clinical and financial benefits despite new challenges posed by Covid-19. In 2020, 76 Medicare Advantage special needs plans (SNPs) were directly owned by senior housing and care providers, including skilled nursing and assisted living companies. For plan year […]

Medicare Advantage Milestones: Perennial Consortium, UCare Bring Senior Living Plans to Market

The fall open enrollment period for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans is now underway, and this year marks two milestones demonstrating the ongoing integration between MA and senior living. With the start of the enrollment period on Oct. 15, a group of senior living providers known as the Perennial Consortium began to enroll the first beneficiaries […]