What Senior Living Residents Want—In Their Own Words

Change in lifestyle is a crucial issue that has a huge impact on someone’s decision to enter a senior living community. As senior living communities market to new residents, there is a critical time period—it can be as short as a few minutes—during which they engage or lose the potential customer. That engagement revolves directly […]

Will the Nation Go Broke Paying for Senior Housing & Long-Term Care?

Government healthcare spending is set to skyrocket, costs of long-term care are steadily rising, while at the same time, most seniors’ wallets are strained thanks to the prolonged economic recession. Add to that dwindling government benefits programs such as Medicare and Social Security that are unfortunately linked to an enormous federal deficit problem, and the future […]

Top 10 Trends in Senior Housing for 2012

Adaptability is one of the cornerstones of human evolution.  Evolution is a slow process but adaptability, or the ability to “get by” in the short term, happens quickly and is reactionary. With the economy in a state of disarray during 2010 and 2011, the senior living industry and businesses in other areas were focused on […]

What is Holding Back New Construction in Senior Housing?

With the recession dragging on, the senior housing market has experienced a significant slump. New construction starts have dropped by 53% since the 2008 crash, and now make up just over 1% annually of the senior housing inventory, according to the National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing & Care Industry (NIC). At the same time, […]

Number of Senior Households to Increase 35% by 2020 says Report

The number of 65+ households is projected to increase by 35% in 2020 according to a recent Harvard University housing report. The Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) says in The State of the Nation’s Housing Report that baby boomers will continue to have a huge effect on the housing market as they approach retirement […]