CBS 60 Minutes recently aired a two-part series on “Living to 90 and Beyond” that explores an ongoing study of the nation’s oldest old and the growing threat of dementia in this population. “We are a nation getting older,” the segment begins, “… it’s giving us more time—literally—to start to lose our minds.” Dementia and […]
Bankrate, Inc. (NYSE:RATE) on Wednesday announced the acquisition of Caring, Inc., owner of online senior care resource for $54 million in cash, subject to adjustments. The Caring team will join Bankrate, Inc. and continue to operate the company. “We’ve been approached over the years by a number of companies interested in making an entry […]
Senior Housing News is excited to announce the full lineup of speakers for our third annual Senior Housing Summit, taking place this July in Chicago, Ill. Buy your ticket today—spots are filling up fast! After two successful years in gathering senior living professionals to Chicago to discuss the most relevant cutting-edge industry topics, we’ve gathered […]
A group of assisted living residents are suing in an effort to stop their Brooklyn community from shutting down in June, reports the New York Times. Prospect Park Residence is scheduled for closure next month, but a lawsuit filed Friday against the community and the State Health Department is trying to stop that from happening. […]
From investing in a new senior housing sub-sector to exploring opportunities abroad, HCP logged a solid first quarter and thumbed its nose at industry speculation that REITs’ value has been diminished through the planned Brookdale-Emeritus merger. Perhaps the highlight of the quarter was HCP’s agreement with Brookdale Senior Living to form a new, $1.2 billion […]
Site traffic is on a spring surge for the top five senior care websites, dominated by care referral service providers along with a lone senior living provider. The number of unique visitors for,,, A Place for Mom, and Emeritus trended upward in March according to data from comScore, an internet technology company […]
Senior housing jobs are open all across the country from Washington State to Indiana to New Jersey. Openings include clinical operations manager, executive director/administrator, and assisted living nurse manager, all at Brandywine Senior Living. Erickson Living, Memory Care Living, Senior Living Communities, and Vi are among the other senior housing employers using SHN’s jobs board […]
Move over, REITs and private equity—immigrant investors are a growing funding source for senior living development via a government Green Card program that’s gaining steam in the United States. The Immigrant Investor Program—call EB-5—is contributing millions of dollars in capital for some senior living developers. Omega Communities and RockBridge Senior Living are among the senior […]
Skilled nursing facilities will see a 2% increase in reimbursements in fiscal year 2015 thanks to a proposed rule from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. CMS on Thursday issued a proposed rule outlining fiscal year 2015 Medicare payment rates for skilled nursing facilities. Aggregate payments to skilled nursing facilities in 2015 will increase by […]
A group of investors and real estate developers are planning a massive master-planned senior living community in North Carolina that is expected to exceed $500 million in development costs and will encompass more than 2,000 acres. Plans for The Charles, in Oak Island, N.C., include up to 2,000 units of single- and multi-family residences spanning […]