[Trending Report] The Changing Face of Active Adult Rental

The age of active adult is here.

A new SHN survey of 120 senior housing professionals reveals just how bullish the industry is on active adult: 87% of respondents are currently pursuing active adult apartment rental projects.

But with multifamily developers dominating the active adult space, senior housing must face questions about how to engage with that sector — whether to collaborate, or stake their own ground.

This report reveals the depth of senior housing’s interest in active adult, the execution of the product, the mindset of the consumer — and how these factors are re-writing the care continuum.

In this 28-page report, you will learn:

— Why so many in senior housing are pursuing active adult, and why they believe they are better suited than multifamily to develop it
— The four trends that show the active adult opportunity for senior housing
— How active adult is angling to become the new first step in the care continuum, before IL
— The strengths that both senior housing and multifamily bring to the active adult table, and why collaboration makes sense
— And much more!