Transform Podcast #2 – Belmont Village CEO Patricia Will and Bob Turner of Otterbein SeniorLife

Senior living providers and developers are more focused than ever on creating buildings and operational models that bring people of all ages together. To take a deep dive into this trend, tune in to the latest episode of Transform, a podcast about the people and ideas shaping the future of senior living, sponsored by PointClickCare. In this episode, you’ll hear from Patricia Will, CEO of Belmont Village, and Bob Turner, a development management consultant for Otterbein SeniorLife.

Hear what’s driving intergenerational senior living and the approaches being taken by these two providers. Learn:

  • How Belmont Village has forged university partnerships to create intergenerational communities
  • Why co-located senior living and student housing might be the future
  • What “New Urbanism” is and how it could benefit seniors
  • How the intergenerational movement will lead to more collaboration between senior living and all-ages developers
  • …And much more!

Subscribe to Transform to be notified when new episodes are released. Listen today!
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