Webinar: Market Feasibility Disrupted: Rethinking Industry Norms

Date: Wednesday, June 14

Time: 1 PM CST

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Historically, senior living owners and operators seeking expansion follow a process: secure a market study, look at demand and penetration rates and either pull the trigger on a project/acquisition or walk away. Do the normal practices need a reboot to address possible deficiencies in these reports that the marketplace is starting to identify?

Our panel of industry experts is going to look at the current state of Market Feasibility and Due Diligence reports and how today’s market is demanding a new approach.  

With today’s complex industry factors as well as an increasingly competitive market, our panel is taking a look at the status quo related to market analysis and due diligence, and where it needs to change.  Critical factors need to be re-evaluated, from staffing availability to a new normal for older adult demographics, resident income and net worth. Digging deeper into market disruptions and the additional due diligence will position owners and operators for greater success in the future.

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Dana Wollschlager (Moderator) – Principal at Plante Moran Living Forward

Jamie Timoteo – Vice President at Plante Moran Living Forward

Lana Peck – Senior Principal at National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care

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