Senior living operators, by definition, are in the business of successful aging. Or at least, they should be if they want to provide the highest level of care to their residents.
Many times senior living operators find themselves at the crossroads of the business of senior living and the aging process. Successful aging, inherently assumed by many, requires a new set of skills that industry participants need as part of a new approach to grow their businesses in the coming years.
As operators vary widely in their approaches to successful aging, some are focusing specifically on the physical aspects, while others are taking a multi-faceted approach, and others still are trying to sort through the array of research available in order to incorporate it into their operations.
In June, Masterpiece Living is offering the first of a series of four Successful Aging Innovators Workshops to make the latest research and information available to senior living leaders and operators so that they, too, can take part in the process of successful aging. The event is geared toward senior living professionals—those who are among current or future industry leaders, so that they may incorporate healthy aging best practices into their own organizations. The program is designed to help operators take the guesswork out of successful aging.
“The major thing we have learned is that a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach is the only way to help communities help people age as well as they possibly can,” says Dr. David Gobble, Ph.D., CHES, who serves as director of the Masterpiece Living Academy and will participate in the workshop. “It’s a systems-driven approach to successful aging that goes all the way from the CEO of the organization down to the person who is cleaning the floors or driving residents to appointments. Everyone has to be involved.”
As a partner to dozens of senior living communities nationwide, Masterpiece Living and its team of experts are on the cutting edge of wellness research and have developed a comprehensive approach to incorporating best practices at the organizational level. They plan to share this and more so that the entire industry may benefit.
“One mission of Masterpiece Living is to create a different approach to Aging in America,” Dr. Gobble says. “It’s a train the trainer model to help people who want to be a part of this larger movement. We are taking what we have learned and are condensing it and will be sharing it in a specific way.”
The kickoff event takes place in Chicago on June 29-30, with future events planned in Philadelphia, Dallas and Los Angeles throughout 2016 and additional events in 2017. All are welcome to attend.
Date: June 29-30, 2016
Location: Ziegler offices
200 South Wacker Drive, Suite 200
Chicago, IL 60606
At this workshop you will:
♦ Immerse yourself in the latest research on aging and human potential
♦ Walk away with successful aging tools and resources to directly apply within your
♦ Become an expert in a rapidly demanding field
♦ Complete a personal action plan for becoming a successful aging specialist
♦ Receive a certificate of completion