Study: Remote Monitoring at Home Brings Lower Costs and Better Outcomes

The central objective of remote monitoring technologies has always been to help seniors and the chronically ill live safely and independently in their own homes, and at lower costs than hospitals.

To that end, a new study quantifies the range of savings that can be realized through the use of in-home health monitoring technologies, as noted in recent findings from Healthsense, a Minneapolis-based remote monitoring solutions provider, and Massachusetts-based health insurer and care provider Fallon Health.

Conducted over a 12 month period, the study measured the impact of using Healthsense’s in-home remote monitoring system for elderly and chronically ill Fallon Health plan members.


Results for the first eight months of the pilot program showed that the group using Healthsense experienced 38% fewer visits to the emergency room per 1,000 members. Those using the technology also reported 14% fewer days in long-term care and 7% fewer inpatient admissions per 1,000 plan members when compared to a control group, which did not have the in-home tech installed.

Additionally, a secondary analysis revealed that members using the Healthsense technology had health care claims costs that were $759.29 per month lower than those without the remote monitoring tech—yielding a return on investment of more than 6-to-1.

“These early results provide compelling evidence that using the Healthsense system in the homes of the elderly and chronically ill can dramatically reduce health care costs,” said Healthsense President and CEO A.R. Weiler.


The development of the trial study methodology was authenticated by the Care Innovations Validation Institute, a group that helps organizations improve standards for measuring and promoting the benefits of population health and remote care management services.

Healthsense is the first remote monitoring technology company to receive validation from the Institute for outcomes measurement contractual language.

And Fallon Health would agree. The provider users Healthsense’s remote monitoring pilot to help care managers and other team members receive timely updates and information regarding its members.

Fallon is then able to follow established protocols to communicate these changes to the member’s primary care physician.

“Fallon is committed to ensuring that the frailest of our elder population can continue to life safely and independently in their homes,” said Fallon Health Chief Medical Officer Dr. Sarika Aggarwal. “This communication drives assessment and interventions that help us avoid complications that may hinder our members’ ability to continue to live in their homes alone. It’s a great partnership.”

In addition to the quantitative analysis, Fallon member satisfaction was measured via standardized telephone interviews with a randomly-selected population of members who had Healthsense technology in their homes.

Of the total study population’s members sampled, 38% reported positive results, while 100% of members reported that they view their health plan more favorably as a result of their providing the Healthsense system. A unanimous 100% also said they would recommend Healthsense technology to a friend.

“Feedback from Fallon’s members also suggests that Healthsense is helping Fallon deliver a high quality of care that members would recommend to their friends,” Weiler said. “This is all possible because of our partnership with Fallon, a leader in developing innovative practices to help their members securely age in place.”

Healthsense expects final trial results in April 2015.

Written by Jason Oliva

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