In case you missed them… here are the top headlines grabbing Senior Housing News readers’ attention this week.
4 Things Senior Living Learned About ACOs in 2014—From not all ACOs are equal to the fact they can save millions, senior housing learned a lot about accountable care organizations this year. SHN details the top four lessons learned.
The Biggest Senior Housing Deals of 2014—Brookdale and Emeritus was a blockbuster deal for the industry, but there were also a handful of other multi-billion-dollar deals in 2014, showing there was no shortage of investor action in senior housing this year. SHN ranks the top 10 deals of the year, by dollar volume.
Pension System Sees Potential in New $500 Million Senior Housing Fund—While details remain to be seen, a new senior housing fund being managed by Prudential Real Estate Investors has piqued the interest of a pension fund investor out of Pennsylvania that has committed $100 million to senior housing.
Senior Housing News Recap: Top Stories of 2014—From top trends to the latest in dining for dementia care residents, Senior Housing News ranks the Top 10 stories of the year, based on readership statistics.
Today Show: Not Your Grandmother’s Long-Term Care—The Today Show this week looked into long-term care options: the different forms it takes, the different costs associated with them, and why today’s long term care options are a far cry from those of the past.
Written by Elizabeth Ecker