Most Shared: Sunrise Growth Plans, Apple’s New EHR

Senior Housing News wrote them, you read them and passed them along to your friends and colleagues. Here are the most shared posts from SHN this week:

Dished: How Five Star is Overhauling Senior Living Dining—Fifteen chefs, four 50-pound sea bass and a celebrity food personality are just a few features going down at an annual Five Star Senior Living event that looks like something straight from the Food Network.

Apple Set to Tap Into Senior Care With EHR Tech—The Silicon Valley tech behemoth may soon be tapping into the $9 billion mobile health care market with the launch of an electronic health record to track patient data.


Ventas Completes 29-Property Holiday Deal, Atria Takes Over Operations—It’s official. Louisville, K.Y.-based Atria Senior Living is now the operator of 29 Holiday Retirement communities in Canada, following this week’s closing of Ventas’ (NYSE: VTR) following the closing this week of a previously announced acquisition from Ventas (NYSE: VTR).

Nursing Homes Rank as Worst Setting For End-of-Life Care—Nursing homes ranked among the worst places to receive end-of-life care compared to hospitals, hospice, home care, among other settings, according to a recent survey from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Providers Use Flight Simulator to Re-Launch Resident Engagement—Two senior living communities in Washington state are stimulating the cognitive abilities of its residents through a homemade virtual reality simulator that lets users experience what it feels like to fly an airplane.


Where Sunrise Senior Living’s New CEO is Taking the Company Next—Sunrise CEO Chris Winkle chatted with SHN on his company’s future growth plans both at home and abroad, as well as the role of technology and the challenges ahead.

Written by Jason Oliva

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