If you think the mobile trend has bypassed the senior living industry, think again. Recent research shows Baby Boomers account for the fastest growing segment of smartphone owners. Internal research based on a G5 study shows mobile traffic to senior living websites doubled from 8% in late 2011 to 18% in 2012 and is set to double again this year.
Obviously, the mobile revolution is here to stay, and the senior living communities getting ahead online are the ones learning and using tactics to pull in leads.
So how do senior living owners and operators grab these mobile users??What works best when putting together a mobile ad plan and how can responsive design help cast the widest net?
Join us for a live webinar that will explain why one of Google’s top priorities for 2013 is mobile search and how the newest enhancements to Google AdWords – Enhanced Campaigns – can help increase move-ins. We’ll also be sharing research on mobile use within the senior living market as well as answering some of your most pressing questions about paid search.
Key takeaways will include:
- An understanding of Google’s Enhanced Campaigns
- Ideas on how to make paid search work smarter, not harder for your communities
- Location-based search strategies to target local residents
- A look at mobile trends and research within our industry
- Ideas to help generate leads and leases with a solid paid search strategy
Register today for this free live webinar.
Paid Search: Whats New & Next from Google?
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 11 a.m. PST/2 p.m. EST
Click here to register.
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