Smart Money is reporting that there are retirement communities for everyone. Whether you love RVs, Tai Chi, or golf courses, there is a place for you during your golden years.
Affinity communities like these are growing and while there are no hard numbers on how many have sprung up recently, the depth of choices are expanding.
“These ‘affinity communities’ are one of the biggest trends in retirement living,” says Andrew Carle, the founding director of the senior housing administration program at George Mason University.
Like many other trends in retirement living, the rise of niche communities is being driven by the aging of the roughly 78 million baby boomers. “When you’ve got that many people, there are bound to be a lot of niches that arise,” says John Migliaccio, the director of research at the MetLife Mature Market Institute. What’s more, he says, these boomers define themselves more by their interests and leisure pursuits than previous generations: “We set the record for embracing fad products, and that’ll likely translate over into the niche retirement community as well,” Carle says.
Smart Money takes a look at five different communities. Check them out at the link below.
A Retirement Made for You (and People Just Like You)