Last month, Touchtown formally launched the commercial release of At Your Service, an integrated suite of emergency response technologies deployed at senior living communities. The foundation of the At Your Service offering relies on ZigBee mesh network technology to ensure uninterrupted performance throughout the community even if there is a total loss of electrical power, internet and phone service. The service’s interface, powered by an in-room touch screen panel, provides senior-friendly messaging environment that makes it easy to offer a wide variety of service options that includes individuals and group reminders and voice messaging. The At Your Service Pendant interfaces with the mesh network to accurately pinpoint a resident location using its patent-pending real-time location sensing (RTLS) algorithm. Touchtown’s ‘plug and go’ installation allows a community to be up and running quickly.
“As At Your Service evolved during its early design stages we quickly discovered most senior living communities really didn’t like the fact that they had to make a sizeable investment in a system that us only used occasionally,” explains Touchtown’s CEO Jeff Pepper, “As a result we set out to bring to market an advanced emergency response product that offered real benefits every day. So in addition to bringing innovations to the personal emergency response like a failsafe mesh network and highly accurate real-time location sensing for resident emergency assistance, we added concierge-like messaging and communication to make it easy for communities to increase the level of service they provide to their independent and assisted living residents.”