COLLAGE Launches Web-based Healthy Aging Assessment Software

COLLAGE, a membership consortium of aging services organizations, has released its new Web-based assessment tool that can measure, track and improve healthy aging outcomes for individuals and their community of residents.  The second generation web-based tool provides an evidence-based assessment tool and person-centered process to track healthy aging and measure the results of the program and allow members of the program to track, analyze and mine data.  The new web-platform was developed by the Center for Information Management, Inc. and will provide hosting and support services to the current members and the projected growth for the next 5 years. 

"Now that the new Web-based product is available we’re hearing from our members that this is a real turning point for them and their ability to measure healthy aging outcomes,” says Beryl Goldman, PhD, RN, NHA, Director for Kendal Outreach. “It’s a critical milestone for the COLLAGE product. The intuitive nature of the software combined with the exceptional reporting capabilities are truly innovative in our field, and our members are ecstatic with what they will be able to achieve now.”
