Inverness Village retirement community, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is nearing completion of the first half of a wide-ranging expansion project — the Lifestyle and Services Enhancement Project — in early June. Partial funding for this project, $650,000, came from a capital campaign aimed at raising money through Inverness Village residents and from a grant from the Temple Foundation. Phase I and II of the four-phase project, which began in early February 2010, is the building of a lounge and bistro/coffee shop in the center of the community and the expansion of the community’s Temple Library and Learning Center. The final phases of the expansion will be the building of a salon and spa along with expansion of the community’s fitness center.
“This Lifestyle and Services Enhancement Project grew out of research from the International Council on Active Aging and work with our HealthAbility platform,” said Scott Bushong, executive director of Inverness Village. “HealthAbility at Inverness Village is a program that focuses on physical activity, including building leg strength, balance and endurance.