Will the Silver Tsunami Suffer the Same Fate as the Internet Tsunami?

Silver Tsunami Remember the phrase “Internet Tsunami” circa 1998?  I read a newspaper article read a few weeks ago that looked back at the dot com bubble and examined at how we have evolved with the internet and technology over the last 10 years.  Take a minute and think of all the dot com clichés …got ‘em yet?  Everyone had an idea on becoming an ‘Internet millionaire’ and how the web will transform the world overnight and dramatically change the way we live. Things didn’t change magically overnight but society’s level of connectedness has dramatically increased in the last 10 years. Many of the premises and concepts of the “Internet Revolution” have come to fruition and our technological transformation has been an ‘evolving revolution’, not an overnight sensation. 

The “Silver Tsunami” evokes the same sense of optimism and entrepreneurial spirit about the future business possibilities of the demographics in the US and other parts of the world. Yet the concern is that everyone will want to jump on the “Silver Bandwagon” (are you having déjà vu yet?) and create an inflated hype surrounding all things senior.  The senior living industry has been somewhat deflated with economic downturn and the woes in commercial real estate but as the economy recovers, let’s see how quickly small business and the media start re-inflating senior living. Will the Silver Tsunami turn into the Silver Bubble?  Probably not but that won’t stop entrepreneurs dreaming and the media selling the drama of all things “Silver”.

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