Financial Calculators, ©1998-2008 KJE Computer Solutions, LLC.
For more information please see:
function doLeave() {
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return "Netscape 6 is unable to support our detailed reports. Please upgrade to Nescape 7 or higher.
if ( IEMAC ) {
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return “
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var s = ” “;
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Financial Calculators, ©1998-2008 KJE Computer Solutions, LLC.
For more information please see:
Long term care is needed by those who can’t perform the basic tasks required to take care of themselves. This can include people suffering from a debilitating illness or chronic injury. The need for long term care can arise unexpectedly, often creating a large financial burden. This calculator can help you determine if you are financially prepared for this impending expense.
<PARAM name="TEXT_FOR_REPORT" value="
Annual long term care is estimated at ESTIMATED_ANNUAL_COST.
**GRAPH**Long term care is needed by those who can’t perform the basic tasks required to take care of themselves. At ESTIMATED_DAILY_COST per day, your annual long term care costs are estimated at ESTIMATED_ANNUAL_COST. If you continue to require long term care for YEARS_OF_CARE years, your total cost is estimated at ESTIMATED_TOTAL_NEED.
This Financial Calculator requires SUN’s Java™ Plug-in. If you see this message you will need to download SUN’s Java™ Plug-in. This can be done automatically by clicking the yellow bar at the top of your browser and choosing “Install ActiveX Control”.
You can also get SUN’s Java™ Plug-in here: Get the Java™ Plug-in!
For more information about this Plug-in please visit: SUN’s Java™ Plug-in
For more information these financial calculators please visit: Financial Calculators from KJE Computer Solutions, LLC