Samarion, a privately held healthcare technology corporation based in Jackson, Mississippi, recently announced that its enterprise quality improvement system that provides healthcare facilities with prevention technologies, including fall prevention, wandering and elopement prevention and abuse and neglect prevention was installed in the Christwood retirement community in Covington, Louisiana. The SamarionSolution utilizes image analysis software and intelligent alerting to allow patient intervention before a catastrophic event, such as an unassisted bed exit.
Christwood is a not-for-profit community initiated 15 years ago by Christ Episcopal Church in Covington and was among the first licensed Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRC) in the state of Louisiana.
"Non-profit, faith-based facilities like Christwood represent an important segment of long term care providers," stated Samarion Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Mark Rodgers. "As a faith-based provider, Christwood operates a facility that is focused strongly on resident care. It is a pleasure for Samarion to partner with someone who shares our passion for quality elder care."
Steve Holzhalb, executive officer of Christwood, said, "The Samarion system is a vital new tool that will help us ensure the safety and security of our residents. We are pleased to partner with Samarion and hope our installation will encourage other facilities to adopt this system. The Samarion system can truly change the way long term care is provided to the elderly."