Emeritus Senior Living was awarded the Assisted Living Federation of America’s (ALFA) honorable 2009 “Best of the Best” award for the company’s efforts in sales and marketing based upon the launch of its brand identity campaign. The award recognized the company’s focus on human resources and marketing that tied together the company’s culture and allowed employee buy-in as part of the branding process. The company engaged its employees through through a company-wide contest where employees consistently associated Emeritus with the words: family and commitment. These words led to the creation of created its seven “Family Values” in order to help employees identify behaviors to live by that reflect the company’s new brand promise to its customers.
“We are honored to receive ALFA’s recognition of our sales and marketing best practices for our new brand identity. Our marketing and human resources teams understood that the community employees who work directly with our residents on a day-to-day basis needed to “operationalize” our company’s new Mission, Vision and Family Values in order to successfully launch our brand promise to our residents and families,” said Granger Cobb, President and Co-CEO.