The Sisters of the Most Precious Blood of O’Fallon held its groundbreaking ceremonies for a renovated senior living facility and multiple-use development last month. The Sisters and McEagle Properties partnered for the joint venture to develop the Village of St. Mary’s which includes senior living apartments and patio homes, skilled care, and the development of the North side of the property. The development will maintain the historic nature of the campus, which was was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in the fall of 2007, by renovating existing buildings into affordable apartments for seniors and a licensed skilled care nursing faculty. The renovation utilizes many functional and historical features of the existing motherhouse and renovated one and two bedroom apartments will be located within the historic buildings. The Sisters will occupy a portion of these apartments upon completion of the project, and the remaining apartments will be available to the public. Phase 1 of the development will include the renovation of the existing structures into a Continuum of Care Retirement Community (CCRC), named Villa Theresa.
The project team includes the Sister of the Most Precious Blood; McEagle Properties, developer and partner; Paric Corporation, construction; the Lawrence Group, architects; Cole & Associates, civil engineers; St. Andrew’s Management Services, retirement community management; St. Louis Equity Fund, and Community Program Development Corporation. The Sisters and the project team continue to consult with officials from the City of O’Fallon.
For more information on the project, click here.