AARP Joins Pennsylvania Assisted Living Consumer Alliance as State Regulations Near Completion

AARP has joined the Pennsylvania Assisted Living Consumer Alliance (PALCA as regulations for oversight of Pennsylvania’s Assisted Living industry are being finalized by the Department of Public Welfare. AARP Pennsylvania, which has argued for state licensing rules for assisted living for more than a decade, adds a significant voice to the 31-member alliance. AARP has about 40 million members in the nation and 1.9 million in Pennsylvania.

“AARP has a been a leader nationally and in Pennsylvania for sound oversight of assisted living facilities,” said Alissa Halperin, Senior Attorney and Deputy Director of Policy Advocacy at the Pennsylvania Health Law Project, the organization leading PALCA’s effort. “AARP will be a significant contributor to the Alliance as our members continue to press for meaningful regulation of the industry.”

The Alliance has identified numerous ways the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare’s proposed rules could be improved before final regulations are issued. Changes to sections regarding consumer rights, minimum standards for living space, and appeal procedures, among other issues, would improve the regulations and give residents more security as they make their homes in assisted living facilities. The Pennsylvania Health Law Project has drawn together a broad coalition of Pennsylvania organizations since January. The grassroots movement also has attracted support from numerous individuals and families. The Pennsylvania Health Law Project is primarily using operating support from The Pew Charitable Trusts to fund the campaign.


“We are now in the final stretch before the state releases its assisted living regulations,” Halperin said. “We have a formidable Alliance with members who believe Pennsylvanians deserve quality assisted living facilities. With AARP’s support, we will continue to make the case that strong rules are in the best interest of residents, their families and the Commonwealth.”

For more information about the Pennsylvania Assisted Living Consumer Alliance and to view the work of all of the Alliance members, click on
