When it comes to senior housing, does size matter? Yes, of course it does. Except in this case, smaller is usually construed as better giving seniors more mobility, lowering their costs to maintain their properties and increased social activities are the driving forces for the seniors downsizing their primary and secondary housing choices. The trend towards smaller homes for current seniors and baby boomers becomes stronger as time goes on. Bob Waun, CEO of Vacation-Finance and author of “Between Empty Nesting and the old age home – Besting, Better Nesting: The New American Dream“, points out in his book that the trend for Baby Boomers is more residences in different locations that are smaller and easier to maintain. Many seniors are selling their multi-million dollar homes in the suburbs and are downsizing to town homes or condos with less maintenance requirements or in some cases relocating to urban areas once their children have moved out making them “empty nesters”.
Another trend gaining acceptance is communal living such as living in a multi-unit building and having group meals and activities amongst the small group of seniors living in the building or in some cases a 3-4 unit building. The cooperative living concept is different than assisted living but provides the social interaction that many seniors crave.
For More Information on Bob’s Book, Click Here.
For More Information on the Chicago Tribune Article on the Green House Project for a Hybrid of Assisted / Independent Living, click here.